Slickr Flickr Pro 2.0 comes with a new mobile responsive lightbox, the latest galleria 1.35 and uses https for connections to Flickr.
New LightGallery LightBox
The LightGallery is a light weight mobile responsive lightbox. It is available under the Apache 2.0 licence and hence can be included in Slickr Flickr under the GPLv3 licence.
This particular responsive lightbox was chosen as
- it is well written
- it is fast
- it has a data interface
- it is extensible
The following minor changes were made to the lightbox CSS to integrate it with Slickr Flickr:
- Replaced the “Slash-icons” font with the “Dashicons” font that comes with WordPress – this is used for the slideshow navigation
- Added some CSS to improve readability of multiple line descriptions that overlay the image – now long descriptions are visible on the user hovering the cursor over the description
Galleria 1.35
Galleria 1.35 has been implemented with performance and reliability in mind.
- Galleria theme is loaded statically rather than dynamically
- Galleria images are loaded directly by javascript rather than the slower parsing of HTML and attributes
- Galleria uses lazy loading of thumbnails for quicker viewing
- Error message is no longer displayed if the Galleria times out during loading
Flickr API Uses HTTPS
From June 2014 Flickr requires a secure connection for API calls. Slickr Flickr use HTTPS from 2.0 onwards.
Slickr Flickr Code Improvements
With WordPress 3.9 a number of functions became deprecated. In this release the entire codebase was revamped to confirm to best WordPress coding practices.
- Adopted WordPress plugin file-naming conventions
- Adopted WordPress PHP coding standards
- Implemented late loading of code so Slickr Flickr functions and scripts are only loaded on pages where required
Hi ,
Can you show me how to config information of Slickr Flickr Pro 2.4 plugin, I try many times but it didn’t show correctly
thumbnail_size:medium ;
Please use the standard convention for WordPress shortcodes which is use the equals sign with the parameter value in quotes.
slickr-flickr tag="yourtag" thumbnail_size="medium" thumbnail_scale"55" photos_per_row="4"
The CSS style syntax you quoted is used whem passing extra values to the galleria display module using the galleria_options parameter
For example
slickr-flickr tag="yourtag" thumbnail_size="medium" thumbnail_scale"55" photos_per_row="4" type="galleria" galleria_options="imageCrop:true; lazyThumbnails:true"
BTW. Please use the Support Forum for asking questions. Due to comment spam I just only noticed your comment. Apologies for the delay in responding to you.