In this example we demonstrate how to build a slideshow of your favorite Flickr photos
Initially we show the standard slideshow which is limited to 20 photos; and then we demonstrate the ability of Slickr Flickr Pro to show all your favorite photos.
To make use of the feature you need to set 2 parameters
- use_key=”y”
- items=”nnn” – where nnn is the number of photos you want to fetch
The extended fetch feature is activated when you specify the number of items that is greater than 50.
Slideshow of 20 Favorites
[code]slickr-flickr type="slideshow" search="favorites"[/code]
Slideshow of 60 Favorites
[code]slickr-flickr type="slideshow" search="favorites" use_key="y" items="60"[/code]
Can we do this with a FLICKR gallery instead? I would like to share a selection of my favorites instead of all of them. And, since FLICKR won’t let you organize your favorites I’d have to put those I’d like to share in a FLICKR gallery. Can I display that gallery with slickrflickr? Thanks. 🙂
Yes, well sort of. If my memory serves me correctly a gallery is restricted to 18 photos. see
Slickr Flickr does work with galleries but you have to know the gallery id (which is a bit tricky to find)
slickr-flickr search=”galleries” use_key=”y” id=”your gallery id” type=”gallery or slideshow or galleria”
If you can live with the 18 photos (which I presume are not all your own photos) let me know and I will try and dig out how to find the gallery id – (it is a long number with two parts and I have not yet programmed a way of finding it)
I created a gallery of Super Moon shots from around the world and wanted to share it on my web site. However, if there is a way to display images by various Flickr account holders another way, I’d be happy to do it. I know I can add “tags” to other’s photos (as long as it has not been turned off by user), but I couldn’t control whether they’d remove it over time or not, and simply wasn’t sure if using that tag feature would really work for my purposes anyway.
I’m open to suggestion if you have another idea.
I think you can use a Flickr Gallery if you are happy to break up your Super Moon shots to multiple galleries of no more than 18 photos.
To find your gallery id see If you need help then please let me know once you have created the gallery.
If you go here and enter you user_id it will give your gallery ids: