This feature looks are the various ways that photos can be ordered in your galleries and slideshows.
It is a little complicated and confusing for the following reasons:
- and Flickr API do not use the same ordering mechanism
- There are many dates to consider: the dates the photos was taken, uploaded, tagged, added to a set, added to group, made a favorite, added to a gallery
- Flickr RSS feed returns a publication date and the date taken but I am not entirely sure which date WordPress returns to Slickr Flickr when it has processed the feed – I think it is the publication date (but I go away and check this!)
What following are examples of typically ways of fetching photos, using Flickr RSS (latest first), unsorted photos from a photoset, unsorted tagged photos using Flickr API, using Flickr API sorting (“before”, “after” and “date” parameters) and finally using ‘local’ sorting by Slickr Flickr (“sort” and “direction” parameters);
Unsorted Photos Using Flickr RSS
Here is the gallery without sorting – however Flickr RSS automatically gives you the latest photos first.
Note that I can only get 20 photos with this mechanism
slickr-flickr id="56041967@N07" items="20" tag="crbn" type="gallery"
Accessing Photoset Photos Using Flickr API
Here is a photoset gallery without sorting – but it preserves the order of the photos in the photoset
slickr-flickr search="sets" set="72157623856115368" type="gallery"
Unsorted Tagged Photos Using Flickr API
Here is the gallery without sorting – just the order it comes from Flickr
slickr-flickr id="56041967@N07" items="48" tag="crbn" type="gallery"
Photos Sorted Using Flickr API Date Based Search
Here is the gallery with a date parameter “before” which asks Flickr to get photos taken before today and sorted with the latest first
slickr-flickr id="56041967@N07" items="48" tag="crbn" type="gallery" before="today"
No photos available right now.
Please verify your settings, clear your RSS cache on the Slickr Flickr Admin page and check your Flickr feed
Photos Sorted Using Slickr Flickr Date Ordering
Here is the gallery where Slickr Flickr provides sorting of the photos provided by Flickr
Flickr decides which photos to return and the SLickr Flickr sorts them based on the date associated with the photo.
slickr-flickr id="56041967@N07" items="48" tag="crbn" type="gallery" sort="date" direction="desc"
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