- Download the zip file from wordpress.org/extend/plugins/slickr-flickr/
- Uncompress the downloaded zip archive in [WordPress install root]/wp-content/plugins
- Activate the plugin in your WordPress plugins control panel
- Go to the “Settings” section, and choose “Slickr Flickr”
- Type In your Flickr Id (it should look something like 12345678@N00 and can be obtained from http://idgettr.com) and then click the Save button
- To use the plugin in a post, page or text widget use the shortcode
slickr-flickr tag="my tag phrase"
, and include this command within square brackets [your-slickr-command-in-here]¹ - If you have no photos in Flickr with this tag then no pictures are displayed.
¹ – I did not show the slickr-flickr command itself in square brackets in the instructions above as it would be automatically translated by WordPress and it would show the gallery or slideshow and not the command.
If you a problem finding or setting up your Flickr Id then check out how to find you Flickr Id
For more on using Slickr Flickr then check out how to create Slickr Flickr Slideshows
David, No. Slickr Flickr only displays images: it does not support Flash
Can I use slickrflickr as a general replacement of Flickr flash player in other non-Wordpress websites? Thanks!
Hi Jim,
Yes, I decided that since there is only a single settings page and that generally just need to set up Slickr Flickr once it made more sense to use the sub-menu option Settings >> Slickr Flickr rather than clutter the admin menu with a top level item.
Installed ok, tested ok using shortcode[ slickr-flickr size=”small” type=”slideshow”], but I don’t see the “Slicker Flicker” menu item on my wordpress admin page, the sub menu item “Slicker Flicker” shows up under “Settings”.
Hi David,
Have you dragged a text widget into the relevant sidebar and add a slickr-flickr command such as:
[slickr-flickr size="small" type="slideshow"]
Hi, just installed SF, got my Flickr i/d, reduced pix shown to 10, otherwise left everything in default mode. Clicked Saved. And nothing shows up (my Flickr a/c is several years’ old: not new).
I was expecting my most recent 10 pix in Flickr Photostream to show up in the sidebar of my Posts page. Is there something I should do? Should SF show up on the Widgets page and be installed by me in the sidebar?
Sorry to be a numpty, but I’m new to all this and not a geek. Any help appreciated. Thanks
Here it is:
Please ignore my question above. I just found out myself.
I just downloaded the slickr-flickr plugin and activated it in my wp-admin.
Now I’m stuck, I don’t know where to fill in my flickr user-id.
I’m not sure how to go to the “settings” section and choose “Slickr Flickr”
Thank you.
Hi Kimberley,
What is the URL of the page where you are trying to run a slideshow?
Or you can sign up for the free video tutorials by completing the form on the Slickr Flickr settings page on your admin site.
Hello – I am new to slickr flickr. I read and followed the instructions for installation. However, I cannot see my photos. I signed into Flickr and tagged a couple of photos, but I still do not see any photos in photos. Do you have a step by step procedure with screen prints that could help me solve the problem. Thanks!
Hi Raman, You can put the tag for which you want to fetch photos, or remove the tag parameter completely if you want to fetch from your entire photostream.
Hello Russell.
There is a silly question which I’m afraid I’ve to ask. 🙂
What are we going to put inside tag=”” ?
Hi Kim,
Please login at http://www.slickrflickr.com/members/ and download the Pro edition. Follow the instructions to deactivate then delete Slickr Flickr and then upload and activate Slickr Flickr Pro. Your settings will be preserved – all you will need to do is enter the Pro license into the Pro section on the admin page
I purchased the upgrade, and cannot find where to add the License Key in the admin. My admin does not have a space for the license key. Ideas?
@Steve, The Galleria script is bundled with Slickr Flickr to provide a layout with a large photo in a fixed size frame with a carousel of thumbnails below.
Firstly login as an admin and go to Slickr Flickr Admin Settings
If you are NOT using the Galleria you can disable it completely by going into the Galleria Options section and changing the Galleria Version to Galleria not required so do not load the script
If you are using the Galleria you can make it load a bit more quickly by going into the Advanced Options section and checking the Load Javascript in Footer option.
I’ve just installed this plugin, it looks great, but I get a fatal error:
Fatal error: Theme CSS could not load after 20 sec. Please download the latest theme at http://galleria.io/customer/
This shows on the homepage where it is installed via a widget. Not good for viewers so could you please explain?
Hi Fredrik,
When I visit your feed in a browser it is fine: http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?lang=en-us&format=feed-rss_200&id=http://www.flickr.com/photos/25770767@N05/&tags=provence&per_page=3.
What version of WordPress are you using? Do you have any Simple Pie or other RSS plugins installed that might be affecting the processing of the feed?
If you have installed your Flickr API ID in Slickr Flickr Admin settings you can try using [slickr-flickr tag="provence" items="3" use_key="y"] to see if using the Flickr API instead of Flickr RSS makes a difference
Hello, I wrote in this code – [slickr-flickr tag="provence" items="3"]
I am getting the following error
Could someone give me a hint of what I am doing wrong. Thanks for the tips 🙂
Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?lang=en-us&format=feed-rss_200&id=http://www.flickr.com/photos/25770767@N05/&tags=provence&per_page=3. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.
Hi Davide,
Apologies for this. The problem is how to show the slickr-flickr shortcode without it being translated and, at the same time, allowing people to cut and paste it.
At various times I have adopted two approaches:
I have removed the bold on point 6 and added a space.
Awesome! Thank you so much!
Now it works!
One suggestion: on the install page of your website (this page), at point 6, the short code is written with bold parentheses. The reason why it was not working in my blog is that I had copied that and pasted and the editor had transformed the parentheses into [.
Maybe that font is a little weird? Or the parentheses are actually bold?
Thanks again! Best
Hi Davide,
The “translation” of the shortcode tags is actually done by WordPress rather than by the plugin itself.
What is likely is that you have some additional characters in your command that mean WordPress is not recognizing the short code.
Try switching to the HTML editor and make sure that is no spaces or other characters in the slickr-flickr command:
[slickr-flickr tag="landscape"]
Hi Russel, thanks for your awesome plugin!
I have a problem though: I typed [slickr-flickr tag="landscape"] in a page and I tagged 4 photos as “landscape”, but I see the untranslated code when my page is rendered.
Could you please help me on this? Thanks a lot!
Hi Richard,
You can pass the slickr-flickr command to the PHP do_shortcode command. For example
do_shortcode('[slickr-flickr tag="xxx" type="slideshow" size="small"]');
Hi Russell, I have the same problem as Jasmine. I have my own theme in php. How can I put the code in a sidebar ? sidebar.php that is of my own theme. I do not use the widgets built in WordPress dashboard. Is there a php code that I can simply paste to the section in my sidebar? Thanks.
Hi Jasmine, please come up with a better description. For example I placed the code [slickr-flickr tag="sometag"] in a text widget that I have placed in the sidebar. What do you mean by “nothing”? A blank widget? Just the code untranslated? An error indicating that no photos were found?
I do not manage to put the plugin in my sidebar: ( I put the shortcode, added a tag, but nothing, can you help me?
Hi Freddie,
There was a bug in the older versions that meant the ‘update automatically’ link was missing.
To upgrade you can do the following: deactivate, then delete, then “add new”, then activate. All settings will be preserved.
I run a couple different blogs and I use slickr flickr on quite a few of them. They are all word press blogs, for some reason one of them still has slickr flickr v 1.27 running on it, another 1.28 and others 1.39 – if word press doesn’t give me the option to update how do I manually do this.
Steve, I think you might be using quite an old version of WordPress – please upgrade to at least WordPress 3.1
After installing and activating Slickr Flickr as a plug-in, I get the following error with I attempt to adjust the Settings:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_current_screen() in C:\XAMPP\htdocs\noodleman\wp-content\plugins\slickr-flickr\slickr-flickr-admin.php on line 68
What am I not doing properly? What can I do? I am a PHP novice.
Hi Steve, see How To Add A Flickr Slideshow To Your WordPress Sidebar
How do you add it to the sidebar after the installation?
Mike, your slideshow is working here – http://www.slickrflickr.com/support/photos-not-available-but-present-in-rss-feed/
Make sure your ID is of type ‘User’ in Slickr Flickr Admin settings and also clear your RSS cache (also on Slickr Flickr Admin settings)
ignore my last link. this is the correct one:
not working
Hello. I am getting this error
Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?lang=en-us&format=feed-rss_200&&g=60054576@N02&tags=summer&per_page=15
when i use [slickr-flickr tag="summer" type="slideshow" start="random" height="275"]
If you go directly to
there is a feed though.
Any help?
Hi Phillippe,
Please supply the URL of a page showing your gallery – what setting to you have for “load Scripts in footer’ in Slickr Flickr Admin settings – leaving this unchecked reduces scope for conflict with the theme and other plugins that may be using jQuery
Hi everyine,
I used SlickrFlickr, and it worked very well, after the download of the last the gallery is not working now, do you know why?
I used WordPress 3.1.3 et SlickrFlickr 1.28 and this code: [slickr-flickr tag="FLICKR_PFI_Bord_Seine_2011_07" type="gallery" id="xxxxx@xxx"]
Thank you for your help,
When I ran your gallery on this site it failed but it worked the second time
See http://www.slickrflickr.com/support/helping-slickr-flickr-1-29-users/
Thank you for such a quick response.
I checked all the configuration again, and yes, I have mi flickr ID 63526725@N05 and this is the shortcode that I posted
slickr-flickr tag=”Bautizos”
Hi Horacio,
The RSS feed seems to be missing your Flickr ID and any tag, set or gallery .
Have you entered your Flickr ID in Slickr Flickr Admin Settings?
Please pay attention to the quotes around the parameters in the slickr-flickr command – you may have a missing quote or either opening and closing quotes instead of either singe or double quotes.
I get this error:
Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/?lang=en-us&format=feed-rss_200&
Here is the test link
I’ve been through all the comments and the help section and can’t get it to work.
I have PHP5, the latest WP. Can you please help me??
The api_key you have specified is incorrect.
Please go to http://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html to get a valid API key
Hi there,
I just installed Slickr-Flickr and am having some problems getting it to work. This is the error I get when I try to add the code to a blog post:
Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&lang=en-us&format=feed-rss_200&api_key=admin&user_id=62920390@N02&sort=date-taken-asc&tags=week1&per_page=26
Can you help me out?
Glad it is working for you now!
Problem solved, it was problem with PHP4 and PHP5, just put this line “AddType x-mapp-php5. Php” file. Htaccess on my server.
Thanks for everything.
The link is correct – it seems phpbuilder.com was down temporarily – it is back now.
Create a test page on your site the uses the phpinfo function to display the PHP version.
Hi Russell
The link does not work I’ve been through, what I have to do now? The error has left me today, yesterday everything was fine and I have not touched any code or anything. Plugin I have it installed for several weeks … Why do I get the error now if I have not touched anything?
Hi Jose,
I am pretty sure you are running PHP 4. This error is definitely down to running PHP 4. See http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/showthread.php?t=10366062
You may have PHP 5 installed but WordPress is still running PHP 4.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /homepages/5/d320632313/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/slickr-flickr/slickr-flickr-feed.php on line 28
Exactly what error message are you receiving?
If my web server is already upgraded to php5 and error, what I have to do now?
If my web server is already upgraded to php5 and the error I keep going, “What?
Patric, The solution was to upgrade from PHP 4 to PHP 5
Fabrice, Did you find a solution?
Yes, you can use search=”groups” to search group pool photos.
Can you use this to show group photo’s as well..?
HI Rune, You need to upgrade your web server to PHP 5
I have the same problem as Fabrice.
HI Fabrice,
What version of PHP are you using? Slickr Flickr needs at least version 5.0. I think you may be running PHP 4.
Last question , now when i use widget flick-slickr , i have a error , ( “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /homez.420/hanzgrub/www/wp-content/plugins/slickr-flickr/slickr-flickr-feed.php on line 27”)
Do you know what does it mean , and how i can use it and fix it