For a step by step tutorial check out the video below
Here are the written instructions to create a Flickr slideshow or gallery that shows the photos in the order you want.
You use two attributes: “sort” and “direction”. You can sort by title, by date or by description; and the direction can be either “ascending” (the default) or “descending”.
In this example we will use description.
- Upload your photos to Flickr and tag them
- Edit the description of the photos and include numbers at the start of each description. If you have more than 9 pictures then use two digits. e.g 01, 02, 03, etc., in order to preserve the sort order which is really alphabet and not numeric
- Login in as an administrator on your wordpress site
- Edit your Post
- In the content of the post add the slickr-flickr shortcode with type=”slideshow” and remember to specify sort=”description” direction=”ascending”
- Save
- View the results
The code you use in your post is:
slickr-flickr tag="Canon PowerShot A1100" type="gallery" sort="description" direction="ascending" flickr_link="on"
The results look like this:
To find more videos that help you make the most of Slickr Flickr check out Slickr Flickr Video Tutorials
Hi Peter,
I believe the issue may have been the quotes in the slickr-flickr command.
Please see
Hi Russell
whatever I do, the order of my photos is always the reverse of how I want them. I use the code:
[slickr-flickr tag="LyonBlog" type="slideshow" captions="on" descriptions="on" sort="description" direction="asc" flickr_link="on" delay="6"]
My flickr ID is: 10582695@N03
I would appreciate if you give me a hint.
Thanks Peter
Hi Benjamin,
By default the date Flickr uses is publication date, not the date the photo was taken:
Instead use the following (change the “after” date if your photos are older than 2005) – “after” causes the photo to appear in chronological order and specifying date_type=”taken” means it uses the date the photo was taken rather then the publication/upload date.
[slickr-flickr tagmode="all" tag="wht,june2010" type="gallery" align="center" descriptions="on" flickr_link="on" date_type="taken" after="2005-01-01"]
Hi, I’m sure I’m doing everything properly but I’m having problems with the order photos are being sorted in.
I want to display images with particular tags sorted by the date they were taken with the oldest first which I understand should be sort=date order=ascending but despite that the images are displaying in a random order. is an example of this behaviour. Where the images appear in the following order:
28/06, 29/06, 25/06, 16/06, 29/06.
The code I am using is [slickr-flickr tagmode="all" tag="wht,june2010" type="gallery" align="center" descriptions="on" flickr_link="on" sort="date" direction="ascending"].
Thanks in advance for helping me with whatever it is I’m doing wrong.
Hi Bronwen,
Please also make sure your photos are not marked as private.
Also you need to supply either your Flickr ID or the Flickr feed URL as otherwise I cannot check if your photos are accessible
Hi Russel!
I know this questions has been asked a LOT (I’ve read through EVERYTHING I could find. 🙂 ) but I’m still having issues.
I’ve followed all the instructions, have the latest version of slickr flickr, type everything in manually, and I will get this error:
—No photos available right now.
Please verify your settings, clear your RSS cache on the Slickr Flickr Admin page and check your Flickr feed—
I cleared the rss cashe and checked my feed. It’s been several days since I started trying and I keep thinking that waiting will do the trick. So far… I’ve been wrong about that.
Do you have any additional advice for me?
Here is the code I’m using in my widget:
[slickr-flickr tag="traditionsinseason" type=”slideshow” sort="description" direction="ascending" flickr_link="on"]
Hi Joe,
Slickr Flickr is running fine on this site which is WordPress 3.3.1.
My suggestion is that you have some typos in the slickr-flickr command such as a missing quote or are using opening/closing quotation marks rather and normal double quotes.
Cutting and pasting is often the issue – it is safer to type the slickr-flickr command and its parameters
is slickr flickr updated to work with wp 3.3 or 3.3.1? it seems to be working with simple commands/code like [slickr-flickr tag="pro"] but if i add any other commands/code, they either do not work, or distort the webpage.
thank you for your time, this is a great plug-in!
Glad it is all working
Best Regards
i have one blog in the making, when i integrated slickr-flickr the slideshow was showing pictures not only from the chosen set but also from other set.
This tutorial helped me to work it out, i did two things:
1. added sort and tag into the code that goes in the widget.
2. added a common tag to all the pictures residing in the chosen set in my flickr account.
Task accomplished.
Thanks to your guiding.
Hi Chazzer,
Thanks for your question.
When using a photoset Slickr Flickr will fetch up to the most recent 20 photos, and then sort these photos according to the ‘sort’ and ‘direction’ parameters.
In the current version Slickr Flickr is restricted to fetching only the most recent 20 photos as it uses the Flickr RSS feed for the set. The order of photos in the set does NOT affect which 20 photos are selected – it is always the most recent photos.
In the next version of the Pro Edition I am extending Slickr Flickr to be able to read the full photoset using multiple calls to the Flickr API – this should respect the order in the set itself (tho’ I have not tested this aspect yet). Once all the photos are returned then the sorting by date, title or description will take place.
Before I make the new release on February 19th, I will run a specific test to deal with the scenario where we are interested in the display order of photos from a photoset, and prepare a video tutorial to demonstrate the feature.
Should ‘sort’ and ‘direction’ work when targeting a Flickr set instead of a tag.
I’ve tried descriptions 01,02,03 etc and A,B,C etc
I have also tried modifying the positions of images within a set.
It does not appear to work correctly.
Using tags instead of sets is ok but I thought sets would be easier to manage.