Version 1.28 of Slickr Flickr was released today with a few new features and some improvements and a choice of payment options for Slickr Flickr Pro. The bulk of the work was related to improving the integration with the latest version of the Galleria jQuery script. Galleria now has a carousel, a choice of themes and around 20 parameters that allow you to configure pretty much every aspect of the appearance and behaviour of the galleria. Slickr Flickr lets you set the galleria parameters via the “options” parameter.
There will be a further release of Slickr Flickr in a week that adds support for private Flickr connections, and multiple Flickr galleries, for Pro Users. I want to create some videos explaining the setup of these features before making them available.
New Features
- Added option search=”galleries” gallery=”your gallery id” to display a Flickr gallery – this now automatically converts from the public gallery id to the compound gallery id so you no longer have to lookup the full compound gallery id
- Added option restrict=”orientation” to filter photos so only those of the desired orientation are displayed
- Updated Galleria script to version 1.2.3
- Updated admin feature to choose the version of the Galleria to use including an option not to load Galleria at all if you don’t use this form of display
- Added admin option to select the Galleria theme
- Added admin option to allow Slickr Flickr Javascript to be in either the header or footer (specifically this fixes a mootools/ JQuery loading issue with the Featured Content Gallery Plugin but may also address other plugin conflicts )
New Payments Options
Some users of Slickr Flickr expressed the view that they would like to upgrade to Pro but did not like monthly payments. I have therefore introduced both an annual payment option and a single lifetime payment option.
See Slickr Flickr Pro Upgrade for more on why and how to upgrade.
Hi Douglas, with Slickr Flickr Pro support then I would be happy to log in to your WordPress site and fix the ‘Test’ page
Russell – thanks again for the quick reply. I’ll be signing up for the Pro version today based on how responsive you are 🙂
Those changes didn’t seem to make a difference. I didn’t have the page that I was trying this on exposed on my blog, but it is published as “Test” under the one you were looking at. It may be demonstrating different behavior than what you are seeing with the controller stand page (same pictures, however).
Galleria has been around for over a year so you do not even have to install the latest version.
I have another suggestion- go to Slickr Flickr Admin settings and change the default display to “Slideshow with thumbnails below” (the galleria)
Then remove the type=”galleria” form the Slickr Flickr command on the Controller-stand page.
Also you have 3 lightboxes installed – the Slickr Flickr default lightbox plus both ShadowBox and ThickBox lightboxes – so there are conflicts
In Slickr Flickr Admin settings set the LightBox option to either “ShadowBox” or ThickBox to stop Slickr FLickr installing its own lightbox too.
Russell – thanks for the reply. I tried that, but still no luck. I had actually copied the entire line from another place where I was doing a slideshow with SlickrFlickr. I only have to install the latest version of slickrflickr to get the galleria option, correct? Is there anything else I am supposed to install? Thanks again.
Hi Douglas, The code is behaving as if the you are not specifying type=”galleria” and hence it resorts to the default display type which is gallery (a list of thumbnails) which is what your page is displaying.
Normally this problem occurs when there are the wrong type of quotes in the slickr-flickr command. This can happen when quotes are copied and pasted – often a standard double quote is replaced by opening and closing quotes
Try deleting the type=”galleria” phrase and then retyping it again making sure you use standard double quotes around the word galleria.
I can’t seem to get the galleria option to work. This is what I have on my page, but it displays all the photos with that tag in order. What am I doing wrong? Thanks
[slickr-flickr type="galleria" tag="2011ControllerStand" options="carousel:true; transition:fadeslide"]