Slickr Flickr now supports paged galleries. This allows you to select a page of photos that are not necessarily the latest photos.
The parameters to use are called “per_page” and “page” which refer to the number of entries per page and and the page number respectively.
For example, to get photos 41 through 60 from a series of 100 photos then use
per_page="20" page="3"
The sort order of the photos seems to be based on the date the photo was taken. It may be possible to sort based on the date the photo was uploaded but I have not tried this yet.
The following examples shows a number of galleries of my dog, Roma, with 12 photos in each gallery.
12 photos of Roma on page 1
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="1" items="12"[/code]
12 photos of Roma on page 2
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="2" items="12"[/code]
12 photos of Roma on page 3
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="3" items="12"[/code]
12 photos of Roma on page 4
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="4" items="12"[/code]
12 photos of Roma on page 5
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="5" items="12"[/code]
12 photos of Roma on page 6
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="6" items="12"[/code]
Last set of photos of Roma on page 7
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" page="7" items="12"[/code]
All photos of Roma
[code]slickr-flickr tag="roma" items="77"[/code]
Note that the order of the full set of photos is different from the pages gallery; maybe because the full set uses the date the photo was tagged while the paged galleries use the date the photo was taken.
Note that there are a number of other Slickr Flickr parameters that can influence the date order of the photos as they are fetched from Flickr: “before” “after”,”date” and “date_type”‘ as well as the “sort” and “direction” parameters which provide local sorting of the photos.
Tom, Yes, I completely agree that pagination is required. I am working on this.
Pagination is a must for the next version, I am loading 500 photos from one Photostream and it is too large to process on all devices.
Thanks Russell.
Hi Dan,
There is not support for pagination at this time. I will add this to the wishlist
Hi, I’d like to show pages of (up to) 20 thumbnails from a flickr Group on a single WP page – but I’ll need some pagination controls, e.g. Pages 1, 2, 3… or simply Prev and Next – do you know how I can tell how many photos are in the group, or maybe if there is another page to go to?