Slickr Flickr slideshows now automatically resize themselves in the space provided and are better at handling sets of photos with a mix of landscape and portrait orientation images. No fiddling with CSS is required
Flickr Video Tutorial for Customizing the Slideshow Size
For the purposes of this tutorial I will split the main content section which is 670px into two columns; once that is 400 px wide and another that is 200px wide – both these are a little too small for standard Flickr photo sizes with the first column being too narrow for your typical ‘medium landscape photo of 500px, and the second column being too narrow for the standard ‘small’ landscape photo of width 240px.
Example of Two Custom Slideshows On a Page
In the new version, Slickr Flickr will automatically reduce the photos to fit perfectly – no special CSS is required.
Medium Slideshow automatically reduced
This slideshow has been automatically resized to be 400px wide by 300px high.
[code]slickr-flickr tag="snow" type="slideshow" flickr_link="on" items="8"[/code]
Small Slideshow
This slideshow has been automatically resized to be 200px wide by 150px high.
[code]slickr-flickr tag="avoriaz" type="slideshow" size="small" items="8" flickr_link="on" descriptions="on"[/code]
Hi Walter,
Sorry, I should have clarified that I was only referring to slideshows.
The galleria is a great third party jQuery plugin and it has it own method of scaling using the imageCrop parameter. (see The latest version of the Galleria is quite new and has lots of new parameters so I have not yet understood how to use them all to best effect.
With Slickr Flickt you can tell the galleria how you want to configure it using the “options” parameter – see for an example
Best Regards
Great improvement, thanks a lot!
I can get it to work in a more narrow column with the ‘slideshow’ setting as you show above, but not with the ‘galleria’ option?
Thanks for your timely support!