Prior to version 1.20 of Slickr Flickr there were display issues when there was a single photo.
In slideshow the photo flickered (and not in a good way) and in the galleria only the thumbnail appeared but not the large photo.
Slickr Flickr was incorrectly assuming that a slideshow must have more than one photo.
This is no longer the case as can be demonstrated from the examples below which also demonstrate the new alignment parameter
Galleria with a Single Photo
[code]slickr-flickr type="galleria" tag="nutter" align="center"[/code]
Slideshow with a Single Photo
[code]slickr-flickr type="slideshow" tag="nutter" align="center"[/code]
Black is the default background color if your Galleria Version setting is anything later than Galleria 1.0 on the Slickr Flickr Admin page
how do we get the black gallery background?
Hi DC, I have sent you an email with my contact URL
This is Galleria — in the source code I could see the captions were there, just hidden. I only made 1 change to make the captions show under the galleria thumbnails — in galleria.css, under .galleria li { I simply commented out height: 80px;
however, without the height limiter, it throws the thumbnails out of scale just slightly. (essentially, the image height will now grow or shrink with the length of the caption text. A short caption=short image. Long caption = long image.) I have tried setting the image dimensions within the css but it’s being ignored (I assume as a consequence of the jquery functions setting higher priority css). My javascript/jquery skills are rudimentary at best so teasing apart galleria.noconflict.js has been tricky.
The site is not public (yet), but is there a way I can send you URL privately?
Hi DC,
I am confused – in the galleria there are no captions under the thumbnails (only a tooltip mouseiver with the title) – there are only captions under thumbnails in the gallery – or have you done some significant changes to the code?
Do you have a URL I could look at?
Thanks Russell — I mean add the wrapped captions under the thumbnails. Again, I was able to do this by removing the height limit on the li class (the captions were there, but just hidden), but with the height limit gone, the scaled thumbnails no longer had a consistent style. I am looking into it, thanks again!
Do you mean a (wrapped) caption under each thumbnail or a single caption under the large photo? The latter should be possible right now.
The galleria is a standard javascript library (that I tweaked quit a bit) that rescales the original images.
The answer is that it is not easy- medium difficulty I would say.
It would require quite a bit of recoding to use Flickr Thumbnails and move the thumbnail generation logic out of Javascript and in to PHP.
Something like the following:
1. Build a list of full size images (which are all hidden apart from the “active one” – as now ) – PHP
2. Create captions and description elements if required – PHP
3. Build a list of thumbnails (new) – PHP
4. Change the set-up phase not build the various ‘div’s and span’ nor create the thumbnails and instead just use the existing thumbnails rather – Javascript
Sorry to keep troubling you, Russell. I’m trying to get the captions to show under the thumbnail images in the galleria — I was able to do this (removed the height of the li class in galleria.css), but in the process revealed that the thumb images are just rescaled full size images. Is there an easy way to get the Galleria to use Flickr’s thumbnails in the same way as with the Gallery option? Still experimenting, but thought I would check in the event you had a better suggestion. thanks again!
thanks for the update — looking forward to trying this out!