The Slickr Flickr Gallery inherits its alignment from its container (the HTML element that contains the “div” with class slickr-flickr-gallery).
If the page is left aligned then so is the gallery; if the page is centered then so is the gallery, if the page is right aligned then so is the gallery.
In this example we want a headline, a paragraph of text and a gallery all centered. I have 10 photos in my gallery so I decided to set the photos_per_row parameter to 5.
Example Code for A Centered Gallery
<h3>My Dog Gallery</h3>
<p>Below is a gallery of photographs of my three King Charles Cavalier Spaniels</p>
[ slickr-flickr type="gallery" tag="dogs" photos_per_row="5"]
<p>Rio is a Blenheim, Rocco is a Ruby and Roma is a Tricolour.</p>
The Centered Gallery In Action
My Dog Gallery
Below is a gallery of photographs of my three King Charles Cavalier Spaniels
Rio is a Blenheim, Rocco is a Ruby and Roma is a Tricolour.
Hi Jovanka,
Slickr Flickr is only for Flickr photos; NextGen deals with images in the media library. I do have plans for later in the year to support a Photo Album page:
If NextGen is “taking over” Slickr Flickr slideshows then you need to configure NextGen not to load on pages where there are Slickr Flickr galleries/slideshows or to place the slickr flickr galleries in a “div” that you can get NextGen to ignore – or just disable NextGen’s automatic lightboxing feature for all images.
I will download NextGen and see what lightbox it uses – I will then be able to add an option to Slickr Flickr Admin: “use NextGen lightbox”.
In the meantime you could try selecting the “Some Other LightBox” as the Slickr Flickr Admin LightBox Option?
Hi Russell, it is possible with SF (Pro) to first create an photo album and if you click on the album the different photo’s appear (how, is depended on the gallery type used).
For the photos in my blog I use Slickr Flickr. For the ‘Fotoboek (Photo album)’ page on my website I have used Next Gen. What happens now is that on that particular page you see an photo album. But if you click on this, a gallery in SF and Next Gen opens.
Is it possible that I can accomplish the photo album and the slide show just using SF?
Kindest regards, Jovanka
You can specify align=”center” on the slickr-flickr command itself now. This parameter works for galleria and slideshow. See How To align a Flickr Slideshow
It this does not work that it is most likely your theme’s CSS is overriding some of the settings of the plugin.
In this case what you would need to do it is add a line of to your theme’s style.css or custom.css to ensure the correct CSS is produced. There are many example of this on this site
Hi, i tryed to do this but i can not get my gallery to align to the center, can anyone help?