This page shows a clients gallery demonstrating various Slickr Flickr formatting options
Simple Gallery
[code]slickr-flickr id="54295903@N07" type="gallery" tag="black"[/code]
Centered Gallery With 3 Photos Per Row
[code]slickr-flickr id="54295903@N07" type="gallery" photos_per_row="3" align="center" tag="black"[/code]
Gallery with Large Thumbnails and Captions Sorted By Title
[code]slickr-flickr id="54295903@N07" type="gallery" align="center" thumbnail_size="small" thumbnail_scale="80" thumbnail_captions="on" tag="black" sort="title"[/code]
Hi Doug,
Slickr Flickr uses Flickr’s own thumbnails which gives you cropped 100px square, cropped 150px square, 240×180, 500×375, 640×480, 800×600, 1024×786 and original. Slickr Flickr can do some rescaling with these sizes but will not allow to further cropping so will not give you what you want.
Hi Russell,
I began investigating photo sharing two weeks ago and am one week into using Flickr. I hate the way the Flickr thumbnails are the uncropped and untuned pictures. Will Slickr Flickr change the thumbnails in those sets already uploaded and available on Flickr or just future uploadings?