This simple slideshow/gallery combo using the defaults is suitable for inclusion in the content area of a post or page or in a sidebar widget. It uses the ‘medium’ size photos which are around 520px by 390px on Flickr. It also uses the galleria options to add a lightbox on clicking the large photo.
The code in the post is :
[code light=”true”][ slickr-flickr type="galleria" tag="kerswell wildlife" delay="6" options="lightbox:true"][/code]
Hi Doug,
Thanks for your further comments.
The display you are referring to is the latest version of the galleria. Galleria 1.2.7. is developed by David Hellsing. Galleria is bundled with Slickr Flickr
You are not limited to having a square display in fact you can control over 50 parameters regarding sizing, image display, transitions, etc
See for more on useful parameters like height, width, imageCrop.
To pass the parameters to Slickr Fickr use for example:
slickr-flickr type="galleria" galleria_options="height:500; width:800; imageCrop:landscape; carousel:false"
Galleria does support “big” images but I have not implemented this within Slickr Flickr yet: Slickr Flickr supplies a thumbnail and a medium image to Galleria to display but could supply a third image. It would involve a bit of a rewrite as I think would need to change the way Slickr Flickr communicates with the Galleries to be able to pass 3 images rather than 2. I will look into this though.
Hi, Russel.
I have a suggestion for this feature. Overall, I like it. It’s a much cleaner look than the Galleria 1.0
However, by making the image square, you lose so much of it and you lose the original perspective of the image. For that reason alone, I can’t really see using this type of Galleria. My suggestion is to somehow keep the whole photo. I assume this is difficult because of the mixture of landscape and portrait images, but it would make it much nicer. The square image gives you a general impression of what the picture is, but in order to see the whole picture, you have to click on it and go to the Lightbox image that pops up.
I think it would be better if that image you see in the lightbox that pops up (the whole image) is the same one that you see in the slideshow. Perhaps this is already possible, and I just have’t found the options on your site. I’ll keep looking and learning. (I remember, actually, commenting on this a year or two back when I first tried using Slickr Flickr. Sorry if I’m repeating myself…)
Doug Nienhuis
Also, when I put in the galleria slideshow, the carousel of thumbnails appears correctly but the large image (and the lightbox image) is stuck on the same photo!
Hey Russell, I just installed SlickrFlickr, which I run with the Gaia theme ( Suddenly, I see this error: “Init failed: Galleria could not find the element “#galleria” when I’m logged in (in the top, WP admin bar).
Shay, the original galleria 1.0 does not support the lightbox. You need to choose a later version such as 1.2.6
I did find your post on making a lightbox/galleria mix here
It did give me the sliding thumbnails and the start/stop/next controls I wanted which is great. However, on my page it does not have the lightbox popup. I noticed in your version above, there are arrows which appear when you click to the sides, for advancing, and clicking the center opens the lightbox. I have no arrows, and when I click the center it doesn’t open a lightbox but simply advances to the next image. I have the lightbox: true set as you indicated. Here is my page and the shortcode I am using. Thanks for any suggestions you have.
slickr-flickr search=”groups” id=”1893863@N20″ type=”galleria” delay=”6″ options=”lightbox:true”
YUP! thanks again. I will definitely give your plugin a top score. Thank you for creating such a great plugin and thanks again for all of your help.
Hi Trenton, use the galleria options to add a lightbox: options=”lightbox:true”.
If you haven’t done this already then I’d really appreciate you give Slickr Flickr a great star rating at Thanks, Russell
Wow! you’re the man! good eye. back in action. can you tell why the light box effect won’t enlarge the pic (like how you have it on the example on this page)? original question. I’d like to be able to click the main picture in the galleria and have it show the whole image in a lightbox effect like you have on this page… That one I’ve never been able to get working… Thank you so much for your help and getting back to me.
Hi Trenton,
You have commented out half your page. See for the source of your page
You need to remove the “start comment” code
Whoah! I just realized you got back to me. Thank you. after rereading my original question I realized it didn’t make much since…sorry. Same issue but a little worse now. First my original question. I was able to recreate the galleria look and function that you have on this page, except for the the lightbox effect when you click on the main galleria image (and i kinda just learned to live with it.) Now.. the worse part… Today I updated my slicker-flickr plug-in and now my gallerias turned in to a single column of thumbnail images instead of the gallerias i originally had. I’ve currently changed them to galleries (except the very last one, so you can see it). I’ve tried all the different galleria and all the lightbox settings and nothing has helped. I’ve also tried reinstalling the plug-in.
the page:
hope there’s hope…
thank you
Hi Trenton, Please supply the URL of your page, the problem is not clear to me, illustration would help
i have a gallery on a page that is working perfectly and a galleria that won’t enlarge in a lightbox on the same page. I noticed when i click the photos in the galleria on this page they enlarge. I’m using the same code exampled above. What am i missing?
thank you,
Hi Colin,
Thanks for the feedback.
There are many ways of sorting photos; and the mechanism depends of whether they are photoset or tagged photos, the number of photos and what sort order you are trying to achieve.
Photoset photos give you exact control as Slickr Flickr will return the exact same order as on Flickr, tagged photos are best for date-based sort orders, and then Slickr Flickr can sort the photos itself before displaying them by date, by title or by description.
What is your source of photos (tags or photosets), how many are you trying to fetch ( up to 20 or more than 20), and what sort order to you require?
Hi Russel,
Thanks so much for developing this plugin. I was wondering if there is a way to sort the Galleria thumbnails. I’ve tried using the “sort” option in the short-code, but I believe that I am doing something wrong. I have not been able to change the order. Or, is there a way for the images to load in the same order that I have arranged them on Flickr?
Thanks again. I really appreciate your work.
Hi Joey,
There will most likely be a javascript error on the page.
This could be down to a plugin conflict or having more than one version of jQuery installed.
I’ve been trying to get the Galleria view to show up, but it keeps coming up as a list, and not a slideshow with carousel like in your examples? Thoughts on why that’s occurring?
Yeah – that would make sense!
Hi Rockgeek
That’s exactly what I’d like to see. A way to specify the number of rows and way of navigating back and forth through the other thumbnails. I am updating my town website and I am going to have an awful lot of people contributing their photos.
Hi Rockgeek, Many Thanks for the suggestion.
I think one idea would be to have a carousel beneath the main photo where we would have an arrow at each end of the thumbnail carousel that would allow the user to horizontally scroll through all the photos in the gallery.
Is that the sort of thing you are looking for?
If there’s a way of reducing the thumbnails to 4 rows (so you can still see the main image when you scroll down to the bottom row), with a way of navigating to the rest of the thumbnails that would be awesome… any ideas?