The simple slideshow using the defaults is suitable for inclusion in the content area of a post or page. It uses the ‘medium’ size photos which are around 520px by 390px on Flickr.
The code in the post (minus the square brackets) is :
[code light=”true”]
slickr-flickr id="15954697@N06" tag="skyline" type="slideshow"
Photo copyright Part Of My Life’s London Skyline photos
Hi Mark – Yes they are using Slickr Flickr, but not on the home page as far as I can see. Rather here :
Hi Russell,
Just a heads up.. Your SlickrFlickr plugin is being used by OccupyTogether website.
It looks great! I will be using this in future.
I was trying to find similar examples on your website without success.
I’m a little surprised you have not used something similar on your home page?
Anyway great plugin can’t wait to implement it.
All the best